
Stainless Steel Cooking Dome

Bazaarvoice Authentic Reviews


Key Features


Napoleon's Stainless Steel Cooking Dome is a cooking dome that fits snugly over food cooked on a griddle. Creating the ideal environment for trapping heat, this cloche is ideal for encasing burgers in melted cheese and finishing dishes with a gentle blast of all-around heat or steam. The large handle at the top provides easy gripping to reveal your finished food. Because this great grilling accessory provides an ideal warm environment for finishing food, it is recommended to use heat-resistant grilling gloves when handling. Clever, multifunctional and easy to maintain, every kitchen benefits from the addition of a Napoleon barbecue accessory. Our accessories provide you with the essentials to create delicious grilled food and then some to enhance your cooking arsenal with a wide variety of creative additions to broaden your culinary horizons.

Key Features

Oven safe stainless steel retains and distributes heat efficiently
Stainless steel is easy to clean and maintain
Stainless Steel Cooking Dome traps heat to create an oven-like environment
Melt cheese over foods like burgers by trapping heat
Add steam to gently finish cooking foods over the griddle
The elegant dome shape creates mystery and enchantment when revealing the completed dish while keeping foods warm before serving
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