
Kruidnoten on the grill

By: Andrea Alden

A typically Dutch tradition requires a typically Dutch delicacy: kruidnoten! These days, they come in all shapes and flavours, but in our opinion, the original kruidnoten are the best. With just a few ingredients and a small hour, you can bake this delicacy yourself on the barbecue. Super easy and delicious!

Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
25 min
40 / 60 'kruidennoten'

Kruidnoten on the grill






- 125 g self-rising baking flour 

- 80 g brown brown sugar 

- 2 tsp. Speculaas spices 

- 50 g unsalted butter (in small cubes) 

- 50 ml milk 

- Pinch of salt 

- Optional 

- cocoa powder


1. Mix together the flour, dark brown suger, speculaas spices and the salt. Be careful with the salt, it should not be overpowering, a pinch is enough. Cut the butter into small pieces. 

2. Add the milk and butter to the mixture and knead it into a dough. We divided the dough into two and added 1 big teaspoon of cocoa powder to one dough. If you do this, mix the dough well again. 

3. Prepare the barbecue for indirect grilling at around 200°C. Place the Napoleon® pizza stone on the barbecue but make sure there are no coals under the stone. If the stone is too hot, the breadcrumbs will burn. 

4. Next, form small balls of the kruidnoten dough. The kruidnoten will rise (get bigger) in the barbecue, so do not make them too big (about 1 cm in diameter). First put some baking paper or sprinkle some baking powder on the Napoleon® pizza stone and then place the kruidnoten on top. Then close the lid. 

5. After 15 minutes, see what the kruidnoten look like. After about 25 minutes, the kruidnoten are ready! Let them cool off for a while so they become nice and crispy. 


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Andrea Alden

I used to be the Sultana of Sizzle, but you can call me Andrea. I have always been passionate about food. Even though I was majoring in Art and Graphic Design, I would frequently be found cooking for my friends and family.

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