I used to be the Sultana of Sizzle, but you can call me Andrea. I have always been passionate about food. Even though I was majoring in Art and Graphic Design, I would frequently be found cooking for my friends and family. It wasn’t until I came to work at Napoleon that my love of cuisine became a dedication to grilling. You might find it hard to believe, but I couldn’t even light a BBQ when I started. That changed quickly as I learned what it took to grill a good meal.
Each BBQ and grilling accessory I work with here has its own unique personality; much like each fuel has its own unique properties. That means I don’t exactly have a favorite. As far as flavor is concerned, garlic is where it’s at. Though, I do love me some rich chocolate and perfectly seasoned steak grilled medium-rare. I am by no means a professional chef, but with over 700 recipes cooked and written about, I am no stranger to the culinary world either. Every time I light the grill it is an opportunity to learn, and there is nothing you can’t do on a grill. Food is in my veins and grilling is the outlet for my creativity.