Holiday Grilling Guide - Christmas Recipes for the Barbecue
The holidays are once again upon us. Creating stunning meals and sharing memorable moments with family and friends is easy when you use your Napoleon Barbecue. We’ve already told you about how using your BBQ to cook your holiday meals like Christmas Dinner will help you by producing less heat in the house, keeping you and your guests more comfortable. The big question is what should you cook? Follow this guide - easily mixing and matching your family favorites – for tempting meals that everyone will love.
Main Course - Pick One
The main course can be traditional or something unique. Either way, if you use your grill to make it, no one will be disappointed with your meal.
Rotisserie Turkey
Charcoal Turkey
Salt Platter Turkey
Prime Rib Roast
Less Traditional Main Dishes
Beef Wellington
Roast Leg of Lamb
Smoked Brisket
How to Make Perfect Gravy
Perfect gravy starts with drippings and a fat source. Separate the fat from the drippings from whatever delicious protein you cook. If you don’t have enough, add butter, goose fat, or duck fat.
The second thing you need for perfect gravy is liquid. The liquid part of your meat drippings packs the most flavor, however, you can use the water from cooking veggies or stock as well.
In a saucepan over medium-low heat, melt the fat. Mix in about the same amount of flour as there is fat in the pan so that you create a smooth paste. Let this cook down a little, it will deepen in color a bit.
Slowly, about ¼ cup, or less, at a time whisk in the liquid you are using. The first few additions will make the flour and fat paste into a lumpy mess. It’s alright. Keep going. Add and whisk, until you have the perfect gravy.
You will most likely reach perfect gravy consistency before you run out of liquid. You can keep adding to have a more liquid gravy or stop if you have enough gravy for the people you are serving. Just allow the gravy to simmer down a little if you use all of the liquid.
If your gravy is too thin, you can let it cook down. If you are too impatient for that, spoon out a couple tablespoons of gravy and add the same amount in cornstarch, then return that mixture to the pot. If your gravy is too thick, add more liquid, a little at a time.
For a flavor boost, you can add salt and pepper, but you can also try soy sauce, Worcestershire, and Dijon mustard too.
Potatoes - Pick One
Potatoes are a must-have when it comes to any holiday dinner. Crispy outside roasted potatoes with fluffy insides, creamy mashed, and even boiled, potatoes are possibly one of the most coveted of the dishes on your table and here are a few of our favorite ways to prepare them.
Roasted Potatoes
Planked Mashed Potatoes
Tumble Basket Potatoes
Black Garlic Potatoes
Side Dishes - Pick Two
You may or may not be a meat and potatoes kind of person, but you have to admit that a good side dish on the holiday table is a hard thing to pass up. Whether it’s a delicious dressing or the best-roasted veggies, you have to admit to enjoying your fair share.
Sourdough Stuffing
Mashed Turnips
Roasted Carrots
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Stuffed Acorn Squash
Grilled Haggis
Dessert - Pick One
Even if you tasted everything on offer from the above lists, there should still be room at the end of it all to enjoy one of our amazing barbecued desserts. These will finish your meal off to perfection.
Blueberry Lemon Cake
Kahlua Cake
Champagne Pears
Cookies & Cream Cake
A holiday meal shouldn’t be stressful, it should be something that is made all the more enjoyable by the time spent in the company of your favorite people. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Chanukah, or something else special, these great grilling recipes will be sure to make the date more memorable. What is on your menu (and your BBQ) this holiday season? Share your menu, holiday BBQ recipes, or holiday grilling stories on our social pages like Facebook and Instagram, using the hashtags #holidayBBQ and #NapoleonGrills.
Happy Grilling!