Recipe Blog - Feature - Eggs Benedict

Recipe for Easy Eggs Benedict on the BBQ With Homemade Hollandaise Sauce

By: Andrea Alden

Possibly one of the best brunch meals you can eat. It’s a household favorite of ours, this recipe for easy Eggs Benedict on the BBQ even comes with instructions on making homemade Hollandaise Sauce. When Farmway Foods provided me with a ludicrous amount of peameal bacon, there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to eat eggs benedict. Seriously, benny is the BEST. Follow along and make your own. If you’re uncomfortable making homemade Hollandaise Sauce, don’t worry about it, there are powdered packets that you can get that are good too. I completely understand, I was nervous about making my own Hollandaise at first, but once you see how easy it is, you won’t do it any other way. 

Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
25 min

Recipe for Easy Eggs Benedict on the BBQ With Homemade Hollandaise Sauce






Hollandaise Sauce:

4 large

egg yolks


lemon, squeezed

¼ tsp.


¼ tsp.

mustard powder

1 cup

unsalted butter, melted

Eggs Benedict:

4 large


2 cups


8 slices

peameal bacon


English muffins


fresh chives and a little paprika for finishing

salt and pepper to taste

  1. Replace one set of cooking grids with a cast iron griddle. Place a cast iron skillet onto the cooking grids and fill with 2 cups of water. Turn all of the burners up to medium-high.
  2. Light the side burner and set to low. Set a small pot filled with a couple of inches of water on it to come to a slow simmer. For a homemade Hollandaise Sauce, precise heat is important. 
  3. While waiting for the main grill to preheat, make the sauce. In a heat-safe bowl or another small pan that just fits in the top of the saucepan – the water should not touch the bottom – combine the egg yolks, lemon juice, salt, and mustard powder, whisking for about a minute. Gradually add the melted butter, whisking the entire time, until smooth and thick. Set aside, covered until needed. If it feels like things are cooking too fast, remove the bowl/saucepan with the sauce from the heat and continue to whisk. If you need more heat while doing this, remove the water from the burner and place it on a heat safe surface and return the bowl/saucepan over top. If the egg and lemon mixture goes kind of chunky, you broke the sauce. It happens. There is little to do to rescue it. I would suggest starting again with a lower heat. It took three tries for my first successful Hollandaise. It is definitely worth the effort. 
  4. Turn down the burners under the griddle, then butter the English muffins and put them, along with the peameal bacon, onto the hot griddle. 
  5. When the bottom of the cast iron skillet is covered with bubbles or just lightly simmering, spray the Napoleon Egg Rings with cooking spray and place them into the water. Crack each egg and make like you are going to separate the white from the yolk by passing the egg from one half to the other of the shell once. This will eliminate the excess white. Pour the remaining egg and white into the egg ring. Repeat with all four of the eggs. Cook the eggs for about 4 minutes, scooping water over the tops during the last minute. Use the spatula and scraper to remove them from the water and set aside. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  6. Don’t forget to monitor and flip the bacon and English muffins. Once browned, crisp, and toasty, remove the English muffins and peameal from the heat. 
  7. Assemble your delicious brunch meal. Place the toasty English muffins on a plate, top with peameal, and then the perfectly cooked eggs. Top everything with a healthy dollop of homemade Hollandaise Sauce, a pinch of paprika, and fresh chives. 

If you use a cast iron frying pan to poach the eggs, remember that it will need a full clean and re-seasoning before you use it again.

This recipe for Easy Eggs Benedict on the BBQ With Homemade Hollandaise Sauce is possibly the most amazing breakfast or brunch you will ever make. It’s far easier than you expect. Nailing the right temperature for that hollandaise sauce can be a little challenging, but once you hit it, you will be making it for EVERYTHING. Mashed or baked potatoes? Perfectly grilled salmon? Top it all with Hollandaise! What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast and brunch? Share your favorite foods, best BBQ recipes, and BBQed breakfast photos on our social pages like Facebook and Instagram, using the hashtags #BBQBreakfast, #NapoleonEats and #NapoleonGrills.

Happy Grilling!

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Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - ingredients

Assemble the ingredients.

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - sauce

Whisk the sauce constantly

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - peameal

Use the griddle to cook the peameal and fry the English muffins

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - eggs

Poach the eggs, using the egg rings to wrangle the whites

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - serve1

Serve topped with generous amounts of sauce

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - serve2

Add some extra sauce on the side

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - serve3

Top with fresh chives and dill

Andrea Alden

I used to be the Sultana of Sizzle, but you can call me Andrea. I have always been passionate about food. Even though I was majoring in Art and Graphic Design, I would frequently be found cooking for my friends and family.

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Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - ingredients

Assemble the ingredients.

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - sauce

Whisk the sauce constantly

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - peameal

Use the griddle to cook the peameal and fry the English muffins

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - eggs

Poach the eggs, using the egg rings to wrangle the whites

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - serve1

Serve topped with generous amounts of sauce

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - serve2

Add some extra sauce on the side

Recipe Blog - Eggs Benedict - serve3

Top with fresh chives and dill