

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Can I have my grill assembled after purchase?

We recommend reaching out to your local Napoleon dealer for information regarding potential assembly options.

Can I use the grill I bought from another country?

No. Napoleon grills are gas specific, which means the fuel type, pressure, and local regulations can vary for each country. Converting or modifying your gas grill to be used in another country is not recommended.

Do you make or have conversion kits?

We do not manufacture conversion kits. Our Napoleon grills are gas specific, are certified and tested for their specific gas type and should not be modified or adjusted in any way.

Should I cover my grill?

We recommend covering your grill to protect it from harsh elements. Our grills are an outdoor rated appliance and can withstand elements such as rain and Canadian winters.  

Where is my grill manufactured?

The Napoleon group of companies manufactures products in North America (Ontario, Canada & Kentucky, USA) and we also have products that are made in our Napoleon manufacturing plant overseas. The overseas facility is not a third party manufacturing center. It is owned and operated by Napoleon. The designs, manufacturing and quality control processes are all provided and strictly managed from our operations center in Ontario, Canada.


How do I clean my infrared burner?

Due to the intense heat of the infrared burners, most drippings and food particles that fall onto the burner surface are immediately incinerated. In the case where some debris and residue remain, your infrared burner will require cleaning.

To clean an infrared burner that is found inside your grill, under the hood, wait until your grill is completely cool. Remove the cooking grids over the infrared burner and use a soft brush -like a paintbrush - to remove any debris. Replace the cooking grids and turn your infrared burner to high. Leave the infrared burner on high for 5 to 10 minutes with the lid closed. This will incinerate any remaining debris.  

To clean your Infrared SIZZLE ZONE™ side burner, ensure that it has completely cooled before beginning. Lift the lid that covers the burner and inspects it for debris. If there is any, use a soft brush like a paintbrush to remove any residue from the ceramic element. You can then clean out the bottom of your infrared burner, scooping out any debris that you have found. Check the grease tray under the side shelf for grease and debris. This needs to be done frequently, as it is a shallower tray than the main drip tray on the grill. Replace the cooking grid in the lowered position and turn the burner on to high. Leave the lid open and the burner on for 5 minutes to incinerate any remaining debris. To increase the longevity of your side burner, remember to keep the cover over the Infrared SIZZLE ZONE™ when it is not in use. 

NOTE: Use a very soft brush to clean any debris on your ceramic burner as it is very fragile. Anything more abrasive or harder can damage the delicate ceramic.

How do I clean my stainless steel cooking grids?

Stainless steel cooking grids are durable and corrosion resistant. They require less seasoning and maintenance than cast iron cooking grids. The best way to clean stainless steel cooking grids is to clean them after each use.

Clean your grids while the grill is hot after you are done grilling. It is a great way to pass the time while your food is resting. Use a stainless steel bristle grill brush, or our bristle free Super WAVE Grill Brush to scrub debris from your cooking grids. 

If you forgot to clean while your food was resting, preheat your grill to 500°F+ (high) for 10 to 15 minutes before you begin cooking. Once the grill is nice and hot, use the brush to clear away any debris from your last use.

How do I clean the control panel?

The control panel text is printed directly on the stainless steel and, with proper maintenance, will remain dark and legible. To clean the panel, use only warm soapy water to gently wipe away any dirt and spills. Never apply abrasive cleaners on any stainless surfaces; especially the printed portion of the control panel doing so will result in the printing coming off.

How do I protect the infrared burners on my grill?

The infrared burners of your grill are designed to provide a long service life. As part of preventative maintenance, there are steps you must take to prevent cracking of their ceramic surfaces, which will cause the burners to malfunction. Damage due to the following is not covered by your grill warranty:

Impact with hard objects - Never allow hard objects to strike the ceramic.

Water or other liquids - cold liquid contacting a hot surface in substantial amounts can cause the ceramic surface to break. Do not throw water into the grill to douse a flame. Also if the ceramic or interior of an infrared burner becomes wet while not in use, later operation of the burner can create steam, which may produce enough pressure to crack the ceramic. Avoid operating of the infrared burner during heavy rain or snow, and cover the burner as soon as it is cool enough to do so in order to protect it from the elements.  

Impaired ventilation of hot air from the grill - In order for the burners to function properly, hot air must have a way to escape the grill. If the hot air is not allowed to escape, the burner will become deprived of oxygen causing them to back flash. Do not cover more than 75% of the cooking surface with solid metal like a griddle or large pan.

How do I remove residue or scratches on stainless steel?

Tape or glue deposits left on the stainless steel surfaces during the manufacturing process are often mistaken for scratches. To remove any glue residues left behind, simply apply a coating of olive oil to the mark and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Rub the surface with a soft cloth to gently remove the glue from the stainless steel.

For further information please view our video:



How do I season my cast iron cooking grids?

Using a soft cloth, spread vegetable shortening, coconut oil or similar high-temperature oil over the entire grid surface ensuring all grooves and corners are covered. Do not use salted fats such as butter or margarine. Preheat your grill for 15 minutes, then place the seasoned cooking grids in the grill. Turn the burner control knobs to medium with the lid closed. Allow the cooking grids to heat for approximately 30 minutes. Turn all the burners to the “OFF” position and turn the gas off at the source. Let the cooking grids stand until cool. This procedure should be repeated several times throughout the season, although it is not required for daily use.

The inside of my grill lid is flaking or peeling, why?

It's not flaking paint, it's a build up of carbon. It's normal for this kind of build up to occur over time.

Creosote Build Up (under grill lid)

What you are seeing above will occur as grease splatters from grilling condenses on the inner surfaces of the grill lid. The grease builds up and eventually oxidizes, becomes carbon, and finally peels off the surface. The shiny quality of theses flakes causes them to resemble flakes of paint, but is actually attributed to grease depositing on the smooth lid surface. 

Regular cleaning of the grill lid will prevent this carbon build-up from occurring. For best results, clean the inside surfaces of your grill with warm, soapy water while the grill is still warm. If necessary; use a pot scrubber to loosen the carbon. 

Under no circumstances should any abrasive cleaners or pads be used.


Can I use a rotisserie if I don’t have a rear burner?

Yes, you can! It is recommended that you use indirect cooking, depending on the burner configuration of your burners, having the heat on either side of the food.  Also, place a small drip pan directly under the food, adding liquid of your choice in the drip pan to avoid any flare-ups. 

How do I cook a steak on an infrared grill?

Everyone with a grill should know how to cook the perfect steak. This article will ensure that you can cook the perfect steak using our Infrared SIZZLE ZONE™ and achieve restaurant-quality results every time.

The perfect steak starts with the perfect cut. Look for meat with a marbled fat distribution that is at least one-inch thick. The fat acts as a natural tenderizer while cooking and will keep the meat moist and juicy. Preheat the Infrared burner in your grill with the lid closed for 5-10 minutes or lift the cooking grids to the high position (Prestige/PRO models) light the Infrared SIZZLE ZONE™ side burner and wait for one to two minutes. Place your steak directly over the Infrared SIZZLE ZONE™ for approximately 2 minutes on each side; this will sear the outside giving you beautiful grill marks and a crispy crust. It will also give you the perfect rare steak if it is 1 to 1¼” thick. You can stop here, and just rest the steak for 5 to 10 minutes before serving or keep cooking. To cook a perfect steak to medium-rare / medium doneness, move your steak over to the main grill and cook the steak with the lid down for 4 to 7 more minutes at about 300°F, using indirect heat. If you wish for the steak to be more done, continue to cook using indirect heat for approximately 10 to 12 more minutes. For further infrared grilling instructions follow the grilling chart in your manual.  


For further information please view our video:


How does infrared cooking work?

Charcoal is the original infrared. The glowing briquettes emit infrared energy to the food being cooked, with a very little drying effect. The Napoleon infrared burner cooks in much the same way. There are 10,000 tiny ports each with its own tiny flame, in every infrared burner; they cause the surface of the ceramic to glow red. This glow emits the same type of infrared heat to food as charcoal. It also provides a more consistently heated area with temperature that is easy to regulate. For instant searing, the burners can be set to high; they can also be turned down for slower cooking using lower heat. Napoleon's infrared burners produce searing heat for juicier, tastier steaks, hamburgers and other meats. For cooking times and tips please refer to the infrared Grilling Chart in your manual.

How to light your grill using the Napoleon JetFire™ system:

Push and slowly turn any main burner knob counterclockwise slowly to the high position. You will feel and hear a click, which should ignite the pilot – a jet of flame that will light the burners. When the pilot lights, continue to push down on the control knob until the burner lights and then release. 

How to use the indirect cooking method on your grill?

A great option when you are cooking, roasting, baking, and smoking, the indirect cooking method is an excellent way to use your Napoleon grill to its fullest. With this method of cooking, the food is placed above the unlit burner(s) therefore not directly over the flame. Indirect heat cooks the food oven-style and there is little need to turn the food. You can place the food directly on the grids or in a cooking pan. For models with three burners, place the food on the center cooking grid and turn off the center burner, so that only the left or right burners are providing heat. For models with two burners, place the food on the right cooking grid and turn off the left burner, so that only the right burner is providing heat. Use a similar method for models with four burners. If you find that the temperature of the grill is still too high, you can turn off additional burners to lower the heat. 

What are the benefits of infrared burners?

Napoleon's infrared burner technology uses less gas and take less time to cook food. Infrared cooking allows you to cut back on the amount of gas (natural or propane) and the amount of time that it takes when cooking.

Faster Searing - Napoleon's infrared burners give you ultra-hot searing power unmatched by traditional tube burners, providing beautiful sear marks and a crisp crust that gives delicious bite to your steak. 

Shorter Pre-Heating Times - The intense heat from these burners helps pre-heat the entire grill at an accelerated rate. If you are cooking over the infrared side burner you can start almost immediately. The Infrared Side Burner heats to 1800°F in less than a minute.

Better Fuel Efficiency - Infrared burners are more fuel-efficient than tube burners. The efficiency is based on how the energy gets to the food. With a normal tube burner, the air around the burner is being heated by the flame and rises up to warm the food. With an Infrared Burner, the infrared energy (rays) penetrates the food directly (like sunshine warms your skin).

Faster Cooking Times - With the intense heat, cooking times are dramatically reduced up to 4X faster. 

Saves Money - All of these above benefits save you money by saving energy and time.

What is Reverse Sear?

Reverse searing is when you slowly cook meat until it is 10°F to 20°F shy of the desired finished temperature. This can take anywhere from 20 minutes to nearly 2 hours, or more, depending on the size/thickness of the meat. Once it has reached the right temperature, sear the meat over high heat until a delicious crust forms. Many people use the oven and then finish things off in a cast iron frying pan, but it is far easier (and uses fewer dishes) when you use your grill. The results? Imagine edge-to-edge, perfectly cooked and tender meat, with a crunchy outside, and little to no grey-overcooked area between that and the tender meat inside.


Can I use more than one charcoal tray at a time?

It is recommended that you use only ONE charcoal tray at a time. Charcoal burns at a hotter temperature than propane or natural gas. Using more than one tray at a time could cause overheating, and can damage your grill. 

How do I light charcoal?

There are a couple of ways to safely light your charcoal grill.

  • Use a chimney starter. Place newspaper that has been scrunched up into the bottom of the starter then fill the top of the starter with a load of lump charcoal. Use a lighter or match to ignite the paper and wait. After 15 to 20 minutes the charcoal should have ashed over and begun to glow. Carefully pour the lit coals into your grill.
  • Make a pyramid of charcoal around some scrunched up newspaper in the bottom of your grill. Light the newspaper with a long-stick match or barbecue lighter. Wait for the charcoal to ash over and start to glow before carefully raking it to the side of the grill or spreading it out.

TIP: It is not safe to spray accelerant of any kind, (lighter fluid, gasoline or kerosene) on charcoal before or after lighting it. Chemicals in the accelerant can be hazardous to your health or can change the flavor of the food you are cooking. If your coals have already been lit, spraying with accelerant can cause dangerous flare-ups or fires.

How do I store charcoal?

Charcoal should be stored in a cool and dry space with the bag tightly closed. Store charcoal away from interior walls that have been sheet-rocked, and away from combustible materials like gasoline, oil, and rags. If you have a charcoal bucket or a covered metal bucket, this is a great place to store your unused charcoal. Always follow the instructions on the package.

How does infrared cooking with charcoal work?

Charcoal is the original infrared cooking. The glowing briquettes emit infrared energy to the food being cooked, with very little drying effect. Lit charcoal produces loads of infrared radiation. This radiation is converted to heat when it hits your food. The farther away from the source of infrared light, the cooler it is. The closer your food is to the charcoal, the hotter things will get. With searing and high heat cooking you want the grids close to the coals and food directly above the lit charcoal. When a slower cook is needed, arrange the coals to one side of the grill and place the food away from them using the indirect grilling method. 

What is a charcoal tray and how do I use it?

Enjoy charcoal flavor from your gas grill. Napoleon's optional Charcoal Tray is designed to let you add the fun and flavor of charcoal anytime, with the convenience of using your gas grill. The Napoleon Charcoal Tray is made of durable cast iron which allows even heat transfer while holding the hot coals. 

Simply remove the cooking grids, replace your sear plates with the charcoal tray, add charcoal, and light with your gas burner. When the charcoal is glowing red, turn off the gas, carefully replace the cooking grids, and allow the charcoal to ash over before cooking.

See Napoleon Charcoal Tray in action:


What is a Napoleon charcoal chimney starter?

The Napoleon Charcoal Chimney Starter is a metal cylinder that you fill with charcoal. Lighting a combustible material, like newspaper, underneath uses the chimney effect to draw the flames and heated air up and over the charcoal, efficiently lighting it without the use of chemicals and lighter fluid. The handle allows the user to safely pour the lit charcoal into the correct position within the grill. 

What should I do with used charcoal?

When you are done cooking with charcoal, you can wet them by slowly and carefully pouring water or sand over the hot coals, then allowing both the grill and coals to cool off completely. You should not use a hose for this as you can send charcoal that is still hot, flying. When everything is cool you can dispose of your ashes into a metal trash can or bucket. Check with your local by-laws about the disposal of these materials, as it may differ from place to place.


How do I perform a gas leak test?

Leak testing: This must be done before initial use, annually, and whenever any gas components are replaced or serviced. Do not smoke while performing this test, and remove all sources of ignition. See Leak Testing Diagram for areas to check. 

  1. Turn all burner controls to the off position. Turn gas supply valve on.
  2. Brush a half-and-half solution of liquid soap and water onto all joints and connections of the regulator, hose, manifolds, and valves.
  3. Bubbles will indicate a gas leak. Either tighten the loose joint or have the part replaced with one recommended by the Napoleon Customer Solutions Team and have the grill inspected by a certified gas installer.

If the leak cannot be stopped, immediately shut off the gas supply, disconnect it, and have the grill inspected by a Certified Installer or Dealer. Do not use the grill until the leak has been corrected.

How do I reset my propane regulator?
  1. Close the propane tank valve
  2. Turn all the control knobs to the off position
  3. Disconnect the regulator from the propane tank
  4. Wait at least five minutes if the barbecue has been lit
  5. Re-connect the regulator to the propane tank
  6. Slowly turn the propane tank valve all the way open, wait 20-30 seconds before attempting to light the grill.
I am getting low heat / low flame when the valve is turned to high. What should I do?

For propane gas Grills: 

Start by removing your cooking grids and sear plates, turn on one burner, after 20 seconds, turn on the second burner, if you see a difference in the flame height on the first burner you are in a low flow, which means you need to do a regulator reset – turn off the gas at the source, disconnect the regulator and let everything sit for 5 minutes. Reconnect the regulator. Open the tank valve slowly, relight the grill. 

For Natural gas Grills: 

Our grills have been tested and certified using a ten-foot hose if extra length has been added this may cause low pressure at the grill. The gas hose may accumulate condensation in the hose, remove the hose and ensure there is no water. 

My built-in grill head is missing the regulator/hose. What should I do?

We do not supply hoses with our built-in units. These connections must be made by a licensed gas fitter and must comply with the local codes.

The piping up to the gas grill is the responsibility of the installer and piping should be located as shown in the built-in instructions in your manual. (It must be connected with a rigid pipe, copper tube or an approved flexible metal connector).

The manual has all the important details required for your built-in, please read all installation instructions.

A flexible metal connector is included to simplify the installation of the unit. This flexible metal connector comes connected to the flare fitting on the end of the manifold off the control panel. Connect the other end of the connector to the gas piping. Ensure that the connector does not pass through a wall, floor, ceiling or partition, and is protected from damage. If a propane tank is being used, the tank portion of the enclosure must be ventilated according to local codes, and must not have communication with the cavity used to enclose the gas grill. A propane cylinder cannot be stored below the gas grill.

My Regulator is making a humming sound! What should I do?

A regulator humming is a normal occurrence on hot days. This is not a defect. This sound is caused by internal vibrations in the regulator and does not affect the performance or safety of the gas grill.

The flames lift away from the burner and I smell gas. What should I do?

The air shutter is factory set and should not need adjusting under normal conditions. Under extreme field conditions, adjustments might be required. When the air shutter is adjusted correctly the flames will be dark blue, tipped with light blue and occasionally yellow. With too little airflow to the burner, the flames are lazy yellow and can produce soot. With too much airflow, the flames lift erratically and can cause difficulties when lighting. Open your air shutters on the burners as per your owner’s manual. Please contact our Napoleon Customer Solutions Team for assistance before making air shutter adjustments.

The tube burners are burning with a yellow flame and I smell gas. What should I do?

The burner air shutters are factory set when receiving your grill, if this is a replacement burner, you may have to do an air shutter adjustment. If you have a high flame your burner your burners are lacking air, open your air shutters on the burners as per your owner’s manual. If you smell gas the air and gas are not combusting at the proper ratio and they need to be closed. Please contact our Napoleon Customer Solutions Team for assistance before making air shutter adjustments. 

Why am I getting excessive flare-ups and uneven heat?

This typically occurs when the sear plates are installed incorrectly. Ensure sear plates are installed following assembly instructions in your manual. 

Improper preheating can sometimes cause flare-ups and uneven heating.  Preheat your grill with the main burners on high for 10 to 15 minutes. 

Another cause can be excessive grease and ash build up on sear plates and in the drip pan. Clean sear plates, drip pan, and drip tray regularly. Do not line the pan with aluminum foil. Refer to the cleaning instructions located in your manual.


How do I use my Napoleon pizza stone?

Always preheat your stone in a cold oven or on a cold grill. This prevents the stone from cracking. Preheat the grill and pizza stone to between 350°F and 450°F. Use a Pizza Spatula to move food from the prep area to the pizza stone, and when cooked off of the pizza stone. Use cornmeal as a barrier to ensure that food does not stick to the pizza stone. 

It is best to store your pizza stone in the oven or grill. Allow it to cool with the grill when you are done cooking on it. Leaving the stone on the grill or in the oven will give you a stone oven cooking effect that will produce a more even convection within the grill/oven. When you remove the stone from the grill, make sure to wait until it has completely cooled. Clean the stone by gently wiping with a damp cloth and allowing to dry completely between uses. 

How do I use my Napoleon smoker tube?

When using gas grills, it's best to put pre-soaked wood chips in our smoker tube. Fill the stainless steel tube with wood chips. Submerge the smoker tube in cold water for at least half an hour. Place the smoker tube on the sear plate over the left burner, and then light your burner. For three burner models, light the left and right burners and leave the center burner off. Place your meat in the center of your grill, using the indirect cooking method. Smoke the meat for several hours under a closed lid. To achieve maximum flavor, add fresh wood chips several times during the cooking process, in which case you may want to consider having extra smoker tubes on hand.

How do I use my rotisserie?
  • Remove the warming rack and set it in a safe place.
  • Make sure you have a grounded outlet to plug the rotisserie motor into. Most outdoor outlets are GFI (ground fault interrupter). Fit the rotisserie motor onto the mounting bracket on the side of your grill and plug in.
  • Slide the stop bushing onto the spit rod and then slide the spit rod into the square hole in the rotisserie motor, resting the rod in grooves in the sidewalls of the grill. Line the bushing up with the notch on the side opposite the motor. Tighten the bushing into place.
  • Remove the spit from the grill; light the rear burner to preheat the grill.
  • Load the spit rod with your choice of meat, or rotisserie accessory full of food taking care to balance the load and ensuring it will sit aligned with the rear burner. Then replace it on the grill, fitting the end of the rod into the rotisserie motor. Turn on the rotisserie motor.
  • For easy clean up use a shallow pan under your food to catch all the drippings. Add water or another type of liquid to the drip pan during the cooking process to avoid flare ups.

Turn the motor on and watch the meat turn for a minute to ensure it’s turning evenly. If the meat is off balance you may have to fine-tune the positioning of the stop bushing. Food that is off balance will rotate erratically resulting in meat that is underdone on one side and overdone on the other

It is always best to start with your rear burner on high to sear the meat and then turn the heat down to medium to finish cooking.


How do I use my smoker burner and tray? (on a Prestige PRO 665 & 825)

Remove the smoker tray from the grill and fill with your choice of wood smoking chips. Reinsert the tray and ignite the smoker tray burner by turning the burner to high and pressing the igniter button. Close the lid and leave the burner on high for 5 to 10 minutes or until the chips have begun to smoke, then turn the burner off. The goal is to have light and wispy smoke. Smoke billowing out of the grill can leave a sooty tasting deposit on food, which is undesirable. If you are cooking for longer periods of time it may be necessary to change the wood chips. Use heat resistant gloves and remove the smoker tray from the grill. Empty the spent chips into a fireproof container and add fresh chips. Light the chips using the smoker burner, and turn the burner off when they begin to smoke.

TIP: Soaking wood chips before use will slow burning.


How do I use my Wireless Digital BBQ thermometer?
How do I use the ACCU-PROBE Bluetooth thermometer?

Download and install the App from the apps store on your smart device. Synchronize the app and the Bluetooth Thermometer. The Napoleon ACCU-PROBE Bluetooth Thermometer allows you to program which type of meat you are preparing, the target temperature and cooking time either on the touch-key display directly on the thermometer or using your smart device with the Napoleon App. When your food is cooked to perfection, the thermometer will alert you on your smart device. 

A digital thermometer will also help reduce the chance of dried, overcooked meat. You do not need to wait by the grill to monitor the cooking status. This saves you time and leaves you free to attend to your guests.

Download the Napoleon ACCU-PROBE App and enjoy smart cooking.


What is the warranty on accessories?

Napoleon accessories are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years from date of purchase.



A British Thermal Unit is a traditional unit of heat measurement; it is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. When it comes to grills, BTU’s are used as a measurement of how much heat a grill can generate when a burner is at its maximum output. However, grills use different fuels: charcoal, natural gas, and propane; each one having a different way of achieving this maximum output, which is calculated by fuel consumed by square foot. 

Carbon Monoxide:

An odorless, colorless, tasteless, poisonous, and flammable gas that is produced when carbon burns with insufficient air.


Charcoal is wood (and sometimes other organic materials) that have been cooked thoroughly but not reduced to ash or the point of disintegration. Mostly scrap; charcoal is made by putting wood into a kiln, where the moisture is removed. These kilns work with little oxygen and turn the materials into carbon then use in the form of charcoal. 

Cooking Grids:

One of the most important parts of your Napoleon grill, the cooking grids, are known as cooking grates, these are the surface on which the food is cooked. Our cooking grids are special they provide superior heat and first-rate searing; you’ll know it’s a Napoleon with those iconic WAVE™ cooking grids for those distinctive sear marks.

Direct Grilling Method:

Direct grilling means the food is cooked directly over lit burners or charcoal. It is a faster cooking method because more heat is provided.


A metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire.

i-Glow™ Knobs:

Backlit control knobs featured on selected Napoleon grills, allowing the user to control the gas flow and temperature of the grill in low light situations.

Indirect Grilling Method:

Indirect grilling means the food is cooked by hot air circulating around the food, much like a convection oven. It is a slower cooking method because less heat is needed and fewer burners or less charcoal is being used.

Infrared Sizzle Zone:

The Infrared SIZZLE ZONE is a burner that creates infrared radiant energy, using ceramic burners with thousands of evenly spaced flame ports. The flame energy is absorbed by the ceramic, which then glows red and heats up to over 1500°F in a matter of moments. The intense heat immediately sears the food for flavorful sear marks. The result is succulent food in less than half the cooking time.

Natural Gas:

Natural gas is a flammable gas, consisting largely of methane and other hydrocarbons. It occurs naturally underground (often in association with petroleum) and is used as fuel for many things including your grill.


A colorless, flammable gas, C3H8 of the alkane series, occurs in petroleum and natural gas: used chiefly as a fuel and in organic synthesis. Commonly used in 20lbs tanks.

Rear Burner:

This is the burner at the back on the inside of your Napoleon grill. It is an infrared burner that is ideal for cooking food on the rotisserie.


A regulator controls the amount of fuel that can flow to your grill. The regulator attaches to the tank (or natural gas line) by a flexible hose with an O-ring to create an airtight seal.


A cooking appliance with a rotating spit, excellent for roasting and barbecuing food.

Sear Plates:

The sear plates protect the gas burners from dripping fats and sauces from the food while you are cooking. They are made from 304 grade stainless steel and have the added benefit of protecting the chef from dangerous flare-ups. 

Side Burner:

An optional additional cooking area for your grill featuring either a range-style or infrared burner. The side burner is ideal for making side dishes and sauces while working on the main dish. The benefits of having a side burner include not having to "leave your post" while cooking with your Napoleon Grill.


Smoking is the exposure of, food to smoke from burning or smoldering plant materials like wood, for the purpose of flavoring, cooking, or preserving food. Meats and fish are the most common smoked foods, though cheeses, vegetables, and ingredients used to make beverages such as whiskey are also smoked.

Temperature Gauge:

All of Napoleon's full-sized grills feature a stainless steel temperature gauge with ACCU-PROBE which accurately reads the temperature inside the grill so that you can manage the temperature of your grill and cook meals to perfection.

Contact Us

If you need to ask us a question about your Napoleon Grill or make a comment please complete the form and a Napoleon customer service representative will get back to you shortly. Also, for service, installation and product knowledge, our Napoleon Authorized Dealers are the best resource. Use the "Find a Dealer" button below to locate the nearest location to you.

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Customer Solutions

Phone: '39 0521 825425

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 12.30 & 14.30 - 18.30
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

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