
When to Change Your Furnace Filter | A Comprehensive Guide

Maintaining your furnace filter is essential to keeping your home's indoor air quality healthy and your HVAC system running efficiently. A dirty or clogged filter can lead to poor air quality, higher energy bills, and even damage your furnace. Knowing when and how to change your furnace filter can seem daunting, but our guide will make it a breeze. Keep reading to learn more about furnace filters and how to keep them in tip-top shape.

An Overview of Furnace Filters

Furnace filters are designed to remove dust, dirt, and other airborne particles from the air that circulates through your HVAC system. These filters come in various types, including disposable fibreglass filters, pleated filters, electrostatic filters, and washable filters. They are typically made of a porous material that allows air to flow through but captures particles as they pass. Furnace filters are a critical component of your HVAC system, as they help to improve indoor air quality and prevent damage to your furnace caused by dust and debris buildup. Regularly changing your furnace filter is an essential aspect of home maintenance that can significantly impact your home's air quality and HVAC system's lifespan.


Factors Affecting When to Change Furnace Filters

Several factors can affect when you need to change your furnace filter:

Type of filter:
The type of filter used in your furnace can affect the frequency of replacement. Some filters are designed to last longer than others, and some are reusable and washable.

Indoor air quality:
If you live in an area with high pollution levels, dust, or allergens or have allergies or asthma, you may need to change your furnace filter more frequently.

Number of occupants and pets:
A larger household with more occupants or pets will generate more dust, dirt, and pet hair, leading to more frequent filter replacements. If one or more occupants in your home smoke, then there will be more airborne particles that can clog your filter.

Frequency of furnace use:
The more often your furnace runs, and the larger your home, the more often you need to replace the filter.

Checking your filter monthly can help you determine when it's time for a replacement.

How Often to Change Furnace Filters

The frequency of furnace filter replacement can vary depending on several factors. However, here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Disposable fibreglass filters are the most basic and affordable type and should be replaced every 1-3 months.

  • Pleated filters have a higher surface area and can trap more particles than fibreglass filters. They should be replaced every 3-6 months.

  • Electrostatic filters use static electricity to trap particles and can last up to six months.

  • Washable filters are reusable and should be cleaned every 1-3 months.


How to Change Furnace Filters

Here are the step-by-step instructions to change furnace filters:

  1. Before starting, turn off your furnace to ensure your safety.

  2. Locate your furnace filter, typically behind a panel on the furnace or in a filter housing unit on the air intake duct.

  3. Gently remove the filter from its slot. Be careful not to damage the filter or any surrounding parts.

  4. Check the filter for dirt and debris buildup. If the filter appears dirty or clogged, it's time for a replacement.

  5. Purchase a new filter the same size and type as your old one. You can find this information on the old filter or in your furnace manual.

  6. Carefully insert the new filter into the slot, ensuring it fits snugly.

  7. Replace the filter housing unit or panel back onto the furnace.

  8. Once you have installed the new filter and replaced any panels, you can turn your furnace back on.


Maintain Your Indoor Air Quality

Regularly changing your furnace filter is an essential aspect of home maintenance that can significantly impact indoor air quality, energy bills, and the lifespan of the HVAC system. Neglecting to replace furnace filters can lead to costly repairs and affect your health, so making it a part of your regular maintenance routine is essential. Don't overlook this crucial task, as it can help keep your home's air clean and your furnace running smoothly for years to come. Contact a Napoleon expert today to learn more about maintenance for your HVAC system.

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