
How to Make a Statement Fireplace Work in Your Home

Any kind of thoughtful interior design execution requires a statement piece. A statement piece is an item in the room that serves as a central point of attention and is the first thing guests see when entering your home.

If you’ve ever thought about getting a statement fireplace or a statement fireplace wall installed, your design instincts are right on the money. Fireplaces naturally catch the eye, but something this grandiose can take a lot of planning to determine the right placement in order to not outshine the rest of your home.


Be Conscious of Your Home's Design


When it comes to most interior design best practices, it’s important that each element works together to create one cohesive look. This is why being familiar with your home’s dominant design is the first key step to making a statement fireplace work in your home.

We use the term “dominant design” here because not every home has interiors set up by an interior designer. This is especially true for homes that have had past owners. Each previous owner may have made changes or upgrades that strayed from the original design concept—or there was never a solid design concept, to begin with.

Take stock of the recurring elements and colors you see in your interior space. Do you see many black iron light fixtures and darker neutral tones? It could be an industrial or rustic design. Do you see barn board panels and traditional muntin patterns adorning the windows? It could be a farmhouse or cottagecore design. Do you see light neutral shades, straight-lined decor, and mostly chrome fixtures? This speaks more to a minimalist or modern design.

Whatever the dominant design is, you can make this your starting point for a fitting statement fireplace wall. The other option is to explore different design schemes and make other changes to create a stronger interior design identity for your interior spaces.


Know That Fireplaces Can be Highly Customizable

One of the biggest misconceptions when creating a fireplace statement wall is that the fireplace itself is supposed to take a backseat to the design flair coming from the mantel. However, the reality is that there are many stylish fireplace designs on the market.

Some fireplaces are uniquely shaped; some can be customized with sparkling gravel, natural stone, or coastal stone including ocean rock and sand, and some even have stylish flame orientations that create a mesmerizing visual effect. Gas and electric log sets act as an instant upgrade to your fireplace where you can control the brightness, flame height, and even heat intensity. You can choose to customize your fireplace further with media kits, decorative panels, and trims to create an elevated and stylish focal point.

If you browse through our vast fireplace collection, you’ll be able to see these types of stylish fireplaces for yourself!


Play with Patterns and Textures

A stylish fireplace with a mantel to match will help you create a memorable statement piece for your home. The idea is to direct attention to the fireplace and mantel as a whole and as the unmistakable statement piece of the room. One of the ways to do this is by using patterns and textures on the mantel itself. Here are some patterns and textures to consider:

  • Natural stone (the more texture the better)

  • Uninterrupted marble

  • Tiles forming a herringbone pattern towards the fireplace

  • Unconventional patterned tiles




Experiment with Colour Blocking

Use color blocking, a well-known technique in interior design, to set your fireplace mantel or statement fireplace wall apart from the rest of the walls in your home. To execute this, choose colors that are:

  • Different shades or tints of the same color

  • Close together on the color wheel

  • Complementary colors across each other on the color wheel

Once you have two shades that work well together, one will be for the wall and the other will be for the fireplace mantel. In most executions, the color-blocked wall should extend up to the ceiling to create one cohesive look.


Make Your Fireplace Statement Piece Seem Bigger

A stylish fireplace that takes up more area is sure to be a statement piece, even with little design intervention. For example, the 74” long fireplaces in our Vector Series are sure to catch the eye of your guests instantly.

But whether you’re working with a large fireplace or a smaller one, expanding the mantel can make the fireplace itself look bigger and more striking.


Your Fireplace's Placement Can Make All the Difference

Are you leaning towards a more traditional placement or more modern?

While the traditional placement of a fireplace is very close to the ground, some newer designs feature enclosed fireplaces lifted a few inches from the floor. This configuration carries a traditional feel and may be suitable for some homes. A few examples include the ones in our Elevation X Series.

If you prefer a modern look, consider fireplaces that can be installed higher up from the ground. This configuration works the best with elongated enclosed fireplaces like those in our Luxuria Series and Vector Series.




One Statement Fireplace Wall for Two Rooms

“One fireplace: two rooms” is not a scenario in theoretical superposition. It can be a luxurious reality for your home if you opt for the See-Through fireplace variants in Napoleon’s Vector Series or the CLEARion Elite See-Through Electric Fireplace. These are best for statement fireplace walls that divide two living spaces.

Not only will you have a statement piece for each room, but you will also be able to create a stylish gap through the dividing wall which gives an illusion or feel of a larger space.


Level Up Your Home's Design & Comfort with Napoleon

Napoleon features a wide range of efficient fireplaces that look stylish whether turned on or off. If you’re looking to set up a statement piece fireplace or a statement fireplace wall, explore our collections today! For each of our fireplaces, we also offer a set of customization parameters so that you get the fireplace of your dreams. Check out the Napoleon Vector Series or Luxuria Series for starters or contact a local Napoleon dealer today!

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