
Your Guide to the Ultimate Labor Day Cookout

Labor Day signifies that the end of summer. For this reason, the long weekend is typically spent reveling in delicious end-of-season barbecues, pool parties, and camping.

You might be someone hosting an end-of-summer or Labor Day cookout for the first time. Or you might be just looking for added ways to refine your cookouts to make it easier for you and more enjoyable for your guests. Either way, welcome to our comprehensive guide to the ultimate Labor Day cookout!

Here we’ll talk about a few essential tips along with some suggested recipes that you cannot miss out on. Without further ado, let’s get started with some cookout fundamentals!


Essentials Guidelines for Cookouts



Prepare the Food Before Guests Arrive

Before the party even starts and the guests begin arriving, make sure that the food is ready to go straight on the grill. This ensures that you don’t slave away cooking during a majority of your cookout party, allowing you to be stress-free and to enjoy the company of friends and family. Additionally, it saves time. Because, for a majority of grill recipes, the prep time is often greater than the actual cooking time.

Make Sure to Have All Your Grilling Tools

Ah yes! You need to make sure all your tools and materials are ready in advance - such as your charcoal/propane, spatula, tongs, grill fork, grill glove, apron, oil, towel, aluminum foil, pizza stone, planks, roasting baskets, and other essential grilling accessories.

Make Sure That the Grill is Clean

To some grillers, there is a myth circulating that not cleaning the grill will enhance the flavour of the food. In fact, this can actually ruin the flavour thanks to the fermenting fats and oils. Furthermore, not cleaning your grill can damage it in the long run. So whether or not there’s a forthcoming Labor Day cookout, make sure to clean your grill.

Ask Guests to Bring Side Dishes

Not only is this part of cookout etiquette that guests will gladly do, but it also alleviates some pressure from you as the host. Additionally, it gives guests the chance to showcase their side dish recipes!

Maximize Decorative Lighting

Will your cookout span till sundown? Usually, it does - especially with buddies who haven’t gotten together in a while. Be prepared with decorative lighting. You may not need expensive spotlights for your yard but a few fairy lights can really go a long way in amping up the ambiance!

Set Up a Snack Table Away From the Kitchen or Grill

As the star chef of the event, you may not want guests (and especially their kids) frequenting the grill or the kitchen while you work your magic. Not only is it distracting, but it can also be dangerous. For this reason, you want to set up a snack table that is away from where you’re working or where you’ve kept the prepped food.

Have Kid-Friendly and Adult-Friendly Drinks

Make sure to stock one cooler with bottled water, juice boxes, and other drinks that kids will love. In another cooler, keep the wine, beer, and other adult-friendly beverages.

Set Up Yard Games For the Kiddos (And The Young at Heart)

Who doesn’t love yard games? It keeps kids preoccupied and gives adults the chance to socialize without many distractions. It’s also nice to see the kids playing together and making friends! Try out some games like cornhole, twister, and so on.

Have a Spray Bottle and Fire Extinguisher Ready

Safety always comes first. You can quickly, safely, and easily put out any grease fires with baking soda. If you are plank grilling, a spray bottle will be useful if the plank ignites a little. Also, make sure to have the first aid kit within easy reach.

Get Creative With Your Recipes

And of course, get creative with your recipes! It’s always nice to offer something new to your guests - especially for a Labor Day cookout. It makes the end of summer so much more special.


What Makes For Great Labor Day Cookout Food?

There really isn’t a set of expectations when it comes to what recipes to serve your guests during this holiday. A few basic things to keep in mind is to serve food that pairs well with the beer or wine that you are offering guests. A hearty, filling meal is also very much welcome. However, Labor Day cookouts are such a time-honored tradition that overused recipes are plentiful. To get creative with your Labor Day cookout, here are some recipes you can try.


Awesome Labor Day Recipes to Try

1. Grilled Chili Cheese Dogs on Cobs Bread


Nothing like hotdogs during Labor Day. But wait, these are not typical hotdogs. This recipe is sure to wow your guests! Imagine beef hotdogs with chili, garlic butter, shredded gouda, and Havarti cheese, all wrapped in COBS Bread gourmet hotdog buns. It’s an explosion of flavor and wonderfully easy to prepare.

Want to serve up this gourmet hotdog recipe this Labor Day? Then check out this page!


2. Authentic Philly Cheesesteak Recipe For the BBQ


The Philly cheesesteak is becoming more and more popular for Labor Day cookouts because they put together three elements that we all love - steak, caramelized onion, and cheese. Moreover, it makes steak much easier to eat in a cookout because it’s been thinly sliced before being placed in a soft and sturdy bun. It’s a Labor Day recipe that will put a smile on everyone’s face. And the best part is it only takes a total of 35 minutes to prepare and cook.

Looking to try this Philly cheesesteak recipe? Then head on over to our recipe page for the full instructions!


3. BBQ Lobster Tails with Grilled Lemons & Garlic Recipe


How about a nod to the summer season, along with its end, with this delicious lobster tail recipe? The good news is lobster is still in season during Labor Day so costs can be relatively lower and the quality is up. This recipe brings out the natural fresh flavor of lobster by adding hints of lemon, butter, garlic, and parsley. Grilling lobster meat also adds more dimension to its flavor.

Is your heart set on trying lobster tails? Then head on over to our recipe page to view the steps!


Do you have your own special Labor Day treats? Or perhaps you have a favorite from our list? We’d love to hear all about it. Follow Napoleon on our Instagram or Facebook and share your Labor Day recipes and stories!

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